Welcome to Minimalist Tea! 

Glad you’ve landed here. Every new day I spend learning about tea, my mind is blown simply by all the wisdom and artistry it encompasses beyond the beverage itself. Tea has the ability to bring people together and develop our senses for more a heightened human experience.

After a traumatic car accident in 2012, my quality of life shifted. As a response, my body started to reject many foods, my mental state was often cloudy, and my tolerance for everyday small stressors was noticeably low. I spent almost a decade battling gut/skin issues and allergies that affected my quality of life, my relationships, and performance as a classical singer.

Since late 2021, I have begun to eat foods that my body once rejected again with little to no symptoms. My skin and gut are healthier more often and my energy has increased. This came after years of seeking holistic healing, changing my physical habits, and intentionally practiced and mindset shifts from victim mindset to taking ownership of my wellbeing. Although I can’t prove this was directly the cure, these lifestyle shifts sure as hell continue to help me feel better everyday and help me grow as a person.

Along this journey to healing and finding inner peace, I developed a tea drinking hobby that continues to accompany my path to seeking more peace. My goal is to grow a community of mindful people who share my love for tea and want to create more goodness and thriving health in this world.

I created Minimalist Tea to share with you the knowledge from my ever-growing classic tea ceremony obsession which is a huge part of living a fulfilling life where minimalism and mindfulness are key. Who knows you may find tea becoming your new hobby, ritual or even obsession. Tea fanatics of all stages welcome.

Thanks for joining me on the journey!

xo Minimalist Tea

Mindy is a California native living in LA. Rollerblading, yoga, hiking and cooking keep her world spinning. She’s a Yale School of Music graduate, a professional opera singer, Head of Tea at Ten Cafe on the LA Westside and a certified Tea Master and Sommelier at ITEI.

Use “minimalisttea10” for ten-percent discount on tea classes at ITEI.