Simple Guide to Better Mindset & Habits


We can’t fully control everything happening around us, but we can be in charge of how we feel towards it. 

It’s a new year and that means a new and healthier you. Every year we may slip back into some old patterns that we don’t really want, but it’s not about feeling bad and beating ourselves over it. It’s about identifying and acknowledging our tendencies, then making baby steps towards the new healthy, vibrant: you!

Important: Make sure your purpose to change is a strong one for you emotionally and that your reasons for changing this habit is crystal clear to you. This will provide motivation to you if you slip away from the new habit.

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    4 Steps to adopting more favorable habits:

    1. Observe without judgment. Identify the emotion or thought pattern that you believe is causing the bad habit and observe it without placing negative judgement on yourself. Here’s the hard part: allow yourself the space and time to identify the negative story you’re telling yourself that is holding you back. Sometimes it’s an emotion. If so, without trying to cover it up, allow yourself to feel this emotion. This is crucial. I believe in you.

    2. Analyze. When you’ve identified the negative thought or emotion, analyze the facts present. How true are these thoughts? Often they aren’t and likely just a story we’ve thought up for ourselves to hold us back OR an emotion we’ve suppressed.

      Scenario: I want to be more fit, but I’m too lazy to go exercise. The negative story you tell yourself is that “you are lazy” although you work very hard in other aspects of your life so it must not be true. Perhaps you’re thinking, “I’m not athletic enough!”, but the scientific fact is, your anatomical body is designed to move and fitness is not something you are or you aren’t—it’s something you work at.

      Truth is, all this is likely negative self-talk you’ve repeated to yourself everyday and you’ve started to believe it. Good news, you can tell yourself a new better story after analyzing the facts of why your negative lie you tell yourself isn’t really all that factual.

    3. Pick a new story and start bite-sized. Pick a new story to feed your brain. Make it a point to tell yourself that EVERYDAY for 3 days, a week, or a month. See what happens. Write it down somewhere where you can see it and read it daily. Splice the new habit you are trying to introduce into your life into the smallest achievable bite size that you know you can do easily. (Ex. Take a 10-minute walk everyday.) Don’t try to incorporate too many new habits at once. Start with one per week or one per month. The idea is: one good habit in place starts to positively bleed into the other areas of your life.

    4. Begin again. Every time you become aware of slipping back to the old habit you don’t want, just repeat step 1: acknowledge what you are feeling and what is happening without judging yourself or beating yourself up. Tell yourself at that moment, or starting fresh tomorrow if necessary, that you will BEGIN AGAIN. Each time you recognize this and start over, you are strengthening the muscle in your brain that reinforces your new habit. If the habit is still too hard to stick to, minimize it down even further. Congrats, you are on your way to better you already and you had in it you all along!

    Let’s get more sanity and overall more wellbeing into our lives.

    xo MinTea


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