Cup of Abundant Mindset


So much to do. So many things to buy. There’s not enough time.

I should be doing that. And, yes, that too.

Why am I not doing more?

Living a life thinking you never have enough, will yield just that.

// full stop. //

I live a life full of abundance

in the form of little everyday blessings, and much more time than I know what to do with. It is here where I can learn to grow and pass on that knowledge when I leave this earth, making it a better place, then when I came into it. I just need to learn how to look for the blessings in this life.


Every minute longer I live is another shot at life: a gift.

When you change your mindset, you change your life.

Come on the tea journey with me.

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    Minimalism shouldn’t looked at as a deprivation of joy, fun or color. It’s about freeing up corners of mind lost to hours of prolonged stimuli, to allow more mental space for creativity. To free up more time to do the things that truly make us happy by cultivating calmness in your everyday. It’s about making space for quality. Not quantity.

    We are approaching an era where the abundance of information is doing the opposite of helpful: I see it hampering productivity.

    So what has over-information done to our brains? If we aren’t prepared to process the sheer amount of information that we come across on a daily basis, we may risk over stimuli to our brains.

    I have found myself paralyzed to start projects because I doubted my knowledge even after countless hours into learning and planning. It’s the phenomenon of when one learn more about something, one feels increasingly more ignorant. When that happens, I usually see it causing mental fatigue, anxiety, and restlessness.

    Discovering the art of tea and how to appreciate it has been my antidote to the speed of the modern lifestyle.

    I’m delighted to invite you on this journey with me as we discover together the mysteries and benefits of this ancient beverage.

    Click subscribe below for more to come!

    xo MinTea


    Introduction: Gong Fu Style Tea